After you look up a bill, click the Authors tab. The bill's Authors window displays.
The following describes information in the Authors window for a bill:
Primary Author: The first name listed is the legislator who filed the bill and guides it through the legislative process.
Additional Primary Authors: For senate bills, the additional primary authors are determined when the bill is filed. They are listed in alphabetical order below the primary author. The number of additional primary authors is not limited.
Joint Author: For house bills, the joint authors sign on after the bill is filed. The order of the joint author names is determined by the primary author and displayed after the primary author's name. Up to four joint authors are allowed for a single bill.
Coauthors: Coauthors may sign on at any time and are listed in alphabetical order. The number of coauthors is not limited.
After you look up a bill, click the Sponsors tab. The bill's Sponsors window displays.
The following describes information in the Sponsors window for a bill. The sponsor is the legislator who guides the bill through the legislative process after the bill has passed the originating chamber.
For senate bills: The house sponsors are determined by the committee chair to which the senate bill was referred. Up to four joint sponsors are listed in sequence order as determined by the committee chair. The cosponsors are listed in alphabetical order.
For house bills: The sponsors are determined in the senate committee. Cosponsors are listed in alphabetical order.