Entering Amendment Search Criteria

Use the Amendment Search feature to search for amendments by chamber, author, bill number, reading, amendment type, action, specific date range, or text.

Accessing Amendment Search

Entering Search Criteria


Accessing Amendment Search

You can access the Amendment Search in one of the following ways:


The Amendment Search window displays.



Entering search criteria

  1. From the Legislature drop-down list, select the legislative session you want to search.

  1. In the Amendment Chamber field, click the House or Senate check box.

  2. Use the Author drop-down list to search for amendments filed by any member of the legislature.

  3. In the Bill Number field, enter the bill number in standard format (e.g., HB10, SB12) on which you want to search for amendments.

  4. Click the 2nd or 3rd Reading check box to select which reading of the bill you want to use in your search.  

  5. Use the amendment Type drop-down list to select the type of amendment you want to use in your search:

  1. Use the Action drop-down list to select the action of the amendment:

  1. Use the Action Date fields if you want to search for amendment actions on a specific date or within a date range:

  1. From the Amendment Search window, click the Simple Search or Custom Boolean Search radio button:

NOTE:  The Simple Search radio button is the default; however, it must be reselected when moving from the Custom Boolean field.  When text is entered in both fields, only the text entered where the radio button is selected is used in the search.

TIP:  Right-click to see the list of connectors available to use.

  1. If you want to clear all the search criteria, click the Reset button.

  2. After you have entered all the search criteria, click the Search button.  The Amendment Search Results display.

NOTE:  Click the Save Search button to save the amendment search.  Click the Load Search button to load, run, or delete a previously saved text search.