When you submit a bill number or click a bill number link, the bill's History window displays. It displays the entire history of a bill.
The following describes information in the History window:
Bill and Legislative Session: Displays the bill number and the legislative session of the bill.
Council Document or Senate E&E Draft Number: Displays the document number for a Texas Legislative Council or Senate E&E draft when the bill is introduced.
Last Action: Displays the last significant action. The action date, chamber, and action description display.
Caption Version and Caption Text: Displays the latest caption version and text.
Author: Displays the bill's primary author first. If any additional authors exist, the joint authors for house legislation or additional primary authors for senate legislation display.
Coauthor: Displays the bill's coauthors in alphabetical order.
Sponsor: Displays the bill's primary sponsor first. If any joint sponsors exist, they will display next.
Cosponsor: Displays the bill's cosponsors in alphabetical order.
Subjects: Displays the subjects and the codes which pertain to the bill. The subjects are grouped by category and sorted alphabetically by description.
Companion: Displays the companion bill, if it exists. The companion bill's author also displays along with the degree of similarity.
NOTE: Click the bill number hyperlink to open the History window for the companion bill.
Enabling Information: Displays the enabling legislation information for the bill or joint resolution. Enabling information displays in bills for the 80th Legislative Session. Before the 80th Legislative Session, any enabling information displays with the Remarks.
NOTE: Click the bill number hyperlink to open a separate History window for the bill.
Remarks: Displays pertinent information, such as effective dates, concerning the bill.
Committee: Displays the committee to which the bill is referred. When the process for reporting a bill favorably is completed, the status changes to Out, and the vote information displays. The original chamber's committee displays first. The senate subcommittee displays if the bill was referred to a subcommittee.
NOTE: Click the committee name hyperlink to display the committee information.
Conferees: Displays the house and senate members of a conference committee. The bill's originating chamber's conferees display first.
NOTE: Click the legislator name hyperlink to display the Committee Assignments window. This window lists all of that legislator's committee assignments during the selected legislative session.
Viewing Votes: Click the Most Recent House Vote or Most Recent Senate Vote hyperlink to move to the most recent house or senate Record Vote action. Click the action hyperlink to display the PDF of the journal containing the vote information.
Actions: Displays the bill's actions.
NOTE: Click the link under the Description heading to view the action's corresponding page in the senate or house journal.