Creating Bill Lists

You can create a bill list several different ways.

NOTE:  You must log-in to My TLO to create a bill list.


Creating a Bill List in the Bill Lists Window
Creating a Bill List from Search Results
Creating a Bill List Using the Add to Bill Icon

Creating a Bill List in the Bill Lists Window

  1. Choose My TLO | Bill List.  The Bill Lists window displays.

  2. Use the Legislature drop-down list to select a session.

  1. In the Bill Lists area, enter a name in the Bill List Name field.

NOTE:  You can enter up to 25 characters in the Bill List Name field.

  1. In the Bill Lists area, enter a description for the Bill list in the Description field.

NOTE:  You can enter up to 50 characters in the Description field.

  1. Click the Create button. The New Bill List window displays and the Selected Bill List tab is selected.

  2. In the Bill field, enter a bill number.

  3. In the Comment field, enter a comment.

NOTE:  (1) You can enter a comment in the Comment field without entering a bill number in the Bill field.  This will display as a title when you run the Bill List. (2) You can enter up to 120 characters in the Comment field.

  1. Click the Add button to add the bill to your bill list.

TIP: Click Insert to place a row above the selected row. Click Delete to remove the selected row from the list. Click to move the selected row up.  Click to move the selected row down.

  1. By default, the bills in your list are displayed in order of entry.  You can also display the list in bill number order.  In the Display Order field, click the Bill or Entry radio button.

NOTE:  When the list is displayed in bill number order, comments without bill numbers are sorted based on the bill number in the row preceding the comment.

  1. Click Save to save the bill list.  

  2. Click Run to view the bill list results.


Creating a Bill List from Search Results

  1. From the Bill Search Results tab, or the Text Search Results tab, click the drop-down list next to the bill number.

  2. Select Add to Bill List.  The Add Bill to Bill List dialog box displays.

  3. Click the Existing bill list or New bill list radio button.

NOTE: The Existing bill list option is not available if you have not created any bill lists.

  1. Click OK.

Creating a Bill List Using the Add to Bill icon

  1. From any of the Bill Lookup screen and the Bill Search Results tab click the Add to Bill List link.  The Add Bill to Bill List dialog box displays.

NOTE:  All Bill lists may contain up to 200 bills.

  1. Click the Existing Bill list or New Bill list radio button.

NOTE:  The Existing bill list option is not available if you have not created any bill lists.

  1. Click OK.