Texas Legislative Council

About the Council

Picture of mockingbird perched on a branch with the capitol dome in the background

Who We Are

The Texas Legislative Council is a nonpartisan legislative agency that serves as a source of impartial research and information. Its staff assist legislators in drafting and analyzing proposed legislation and in obtaining information on specific legislative problems and on matters affecting the general welfare of the state. Council staff also handle the printing, processing, and distribution of legislative documents and provide computer support to the legislature and all of the other legislative agencies.


To provide professional, nonpartisan support to the Texas Legislature and the legislative agencies of Texas.

Governing Body

Professional picture of Dan Patrick
Dan Patrick

Lieutenant Governor

Joint Chairman

Professional picture of Dustin Burrows
Dustin Burrows

Speaker of the House

Joint Chairman


The governing body of the council consists of the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the House of Representatives, who serve as joint chairmen; six senators appointed by the lieutenant governor; the chairman of the House administration committee; and five other members of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker.


Except for the lieutenant governor and the speaker, each member serves a term beginning on the date of the member's appointment and ending with the convening of the first regular session that occurs after the date of appointment. The lieutenant governor and speaker act as the governing body of the council during a regular legislative session.


The leadership team is responsible for directing and coordinating the operations of the council and for fielding media and public information inquiries. The team consists of the executive director, the assistant executive director, the general counsel, the special counsel and legislative advisor, and the division directors.

  • Jeff Archer, Executive Director

  • Kimberly Shields, Assistant Executive Director

  • Jon Heining, General Counsel

  • Brett Ferguson, Chief Legislative Counsel

  • Robert Sandoz, Document Production Division Director

  • Jennifer Sherrill, Information Systems Division Director

  • Mike Marshall, Legal Division Director

  • Julie Calhoun, Research Division Director

Staff Divisions

Administration is represented by a network of people around piece of paper
Human Resources

Human resources staff oversee payroll, benefits, recruiting, and other essential employee programs and policies.

Accounting and Purchasing

The accounting and purchasing section manages all funds appropriated to the council, assists with the preparation of the agency's annual budget, and procures all goods and services required by the agency.

Assurance Services

The assurance services section is responsible for facilities and property management, business continuity, and safety and risk management programs.

Doc production is represented by a printer
Data Transcription

Data transcriptionists provide text and data entry of council drafts, legislation, code drafts, parchments, publications, manuals, reports, correspondence, and other documents.


Services provided by the print shop include reproduction of legislative and nonlegislative draft documents and other products that support council staff.

Processing and Delivery

Staff prepare legislative documents received from the House and Senate for printing and storage in databases accessible to the public. Delivery staff distribute House legislation, related legislative documents, and House calendars.


Proofreaders review bill drafts, legislation, code drafts, parchments, publications, correspondence, and the statutory database for textual accuracy, correct format, and consistent style.

Info systems is represented by a mechanical gear

The applications section develops custom software; assists in the evaluation, selection, implementation, and customization of purchased software or other technology; and assists clients in reviewing their work processes to determine if changes can be made to improve those processes.

Computer Support Center

The Computer Support Center (CSC) is the initial contact point for all clients on the council's capitol network and includes the IT Support Center, the office consultant team, and the specialized client support team.

Infrastructure and Operations

The infrastructure and operations section is responsible for the development, implementation, maintenance, and monitoring of the hardware, software, and network infrastructure on the council's computer network.

Media and Education

Media and education staff maintain the Computer Support Center website and create instructional materials in support of council services. Staff also provide classroom training, produce online help guides and educational courses, and organize procedure manuals for applications and software.

Legal is represented by a piece of paper displaying a gavel and a pen for drafting
Research is represented by an outline of Texas underneath a magnifying glass with a bar graph
Mapping and Redistricting

The Mapping and Redistricting Section prepares district and policy issue maps and creates and maintains election, census, and geographic databases and mapping and redistricting applications.

Policy Research and Bill Analysis

In addition to responding to legislator and committee requests for research, staff prepare bill analyses and side-by-side comparisons of legislation.

Research Editing

Editing staff of the division edit and proofread research division products, including resolutions, bill analyses, maps, memos, publications, and websites.

Resolutions and Publications

Staff draft congratulatory, memorial, and policy resolutions as well as certificates of recognition. The section also coordinates the production of research division and other council publications.

Special Projects

The Special Project Section prepares demographic profiles of legislative districts, analyzes data, advises on the use and interpretation of statistics, and maintains council websites. Staff also provide support for ongoing research projects and developmental initiatives throughout the division.