Texas Legislative Council

Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) Policy

The mission of the HUB program is to provide assistance to historically underutilized businesses through outreach efforts, such as education and training in doing business with the State of Texas, in order to afford these businesses a fair opportunity to participate in the competitive procurement process. The Texas Legislative Council is dedicated to promoting opportunities for these small and historically disadvantaged businesses to compete for the agency's purchases and contracts. The council's policy is to foster an environment that will advance and enhance participation from such vendors in all areas of the agency.

The council's HUB program is part of the agency's purchasing section and is overseen by the HUB coordinator. Applications for HUB certification should be submitted to the comptroller of public accounts statewide HUB program.


  • May 19, 2022: The council attended the DIR Connect Technology Expo ‐ 2022 Innovation Through Technology with the goal of meeting existing HUB vendors and developing new HUB vendor relationships.

  • May 2–3, 2022: Senator Royce West's "Doing Business Texas Style" Spot Bid Fair at the Irving Convention Center. Collectively, more than $3.5 million was awarded in contracts for goods and services at the 2022 Spot Bid Fair.

  • December 8, 2021: The council participated as an exhibitor in the 2021 Small, Minority, Women, and Veterans Business Owners (SMWVBO) Bexar County Contracting Conference at the Freeman Expo Hall in San Antonio.


  • The council was recognized in the Fiscal Year 2021 Annual HUB Report by placing 12th out of the top 25 agencies spending more than $5 million with the largest percentage spent with HUBs for FY21.

Supplemental Resources